Thursday, July 26, 2007

Web 2.0, Library 2.0 & the Future

Week 6 Thing 15
I found all of these articles very interesting because I have felt and continue to feel that the library must make major changes in order to be relevant in the future. As Rick Anderson wrote in his article, Away from the Icebergs, libraries do not have a monopoly on information anymore. In order to survive libraries must become the one stop shopping place for access to info...I loved John Reimer's To Better Bibliographic Services. He calls for a "comprehensive menu of choices in a single place." Looking for info? Let the patron access book buying services, access information/books from all libraries (public, educational institutions, etc) as simple as entering a search term and pressing a button, have RSS services pushing info patrons want directly to them. If the library does not make information available, easy to access and interactive...patrons are going to go someplace else.

I think Library 2.0 means nothing less than our survival.


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